Que Chevre! Adding Latinx Voices to Your Classroom
After the protests of the summer, one common theme emerged. Not every voice is represented in society and our classrooms. We need more diverse voices in classrooms across the US, […]
Amazon Ignite is an Encouraging Digital Platform
Amazon launched an intriguing new digital platform, Amazon Ignite, this week, and we requested an invitation. We love Teachers Pay Teachers having maintained a store since 2012. We will continue […]
Teaching English in Korea with a Baby in Tow
When we arrived in Seoul, Korea laden with nine black oversized duffle bags and a car seat, we had flown for 14 hours with a one-year-old. Our son was supposed […]
A Teaching Epiphany with “Marigolds”
When I started teaching in Miami in 1990, I took over for a series of substitutes for an English teacher on pregnancy leave. These seventh-grade students were incorrigible according to […]